3dp5dt bfp twins symptoms mumsnet. Hi @flowersinmay & @BubbleM3 I’m in the 2ww as well.
3dp5dt bfp twins symptoms mumsnet Then went for 12 week scan and low and behold - twins! Congratulations on your BFP ️ All the symptoms in the world when I wasn't pregnant and hardly anything the two times I was. I didn’t have an HCG trigger (first time because of the risk of OHSS, second time was a frozen transfer) so there was no risk of it Sorry for the delay but here are the symptoms I experienced each day. Both my nan has had twins so it's not impossible. I just tested negative at 5dp5dt so it makes sense that I wouldn't be feeling anything anyway. Increased CM it is sometimes clear but mostly white and alot of it. Quote 3dp5dt - no symptoms at all 10 replies grcrobbo · 13/05/2023 06:10 Hi, I know this has been asked before but I just need reassurance ideally from someone who has had more than one successful transfer that no symptoms of implantation doesn’t really mean anything. @andimitch Congratulations on your BFP 😊 I will try and hold out till as close to my period as possible to get more of an accurate result, I have a frer test waiting 🤭 the headaches and emotional feeling is so bizzare, it's almost [quote ChinChilly]@ellecf Yep with my last BFP i was convinced AF was coming, cramps were exactly the same, I waited 2 days after AF to test because I had a previous chemical. Hi all- I am 3dp5dt (FET) and while this is very soon to feel any symptoms I had a twinge in my lower left abdomen yesterday that was identical to a twinge I felt 2dp5dt when I It’s hard not to google symptoms looking for answers but I’ve come to the conclusion that it doesn’t help because almost every symptom can be either pregnancy or BFN and no symptoms at all. The anxiety will be there, but will reduce at each appointment, til it ramps up again pre-birth 😂 enjoy being pregnant - I wish you minimal symptoms! I don't really remember feeling any different with my second pregnancy than my first, maybe I did, but i was convinced I was having twins. I don't remember having no way near the amount of symptoms with my first which is making me question twins. I’ll test on Thursday (6dp5dt is typically the day I’ve seen ppl start to get a line and I did too last cycle but ended in as a chemical), then my official test day is Sunday 9dp5dt. Infact, zero all pregnancy. And yes, I had a BFP after no symptoms in the TWW. I get HG and am very ill 5 weeks on the dot so if I didn't take a test until I was over a week late that would obviously be a huge symptom but I test early and last pregnancy I tested positive at 9 dpo and I remember I made an effort to see if there were any changes I could sense but honestly I I'm now 11dpo and these have been my symptoms: 1-7dpo bloated and feeling a bit sluggish, cramping, a few vivid dreams 8dpo woke up so so dizzy and light headed, cramping 9dpo spotting (still a bit dizzy), dreamt of BFP 10dpo very emotional, fatigue, slight nausea 11dpo feeling really nauseous now! Very fatigued. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we No symptoms. Fingers crossed for you I'm definitely probably maybe going insane. Currently a cautiously optimistic 14+3. Hello, I thought I would post as I’m starting to go out of my mind. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something Sore boobs, sensitive teeth (only right at the start, not since), a weird smell in my nose that didn't leave for the longest time, and when I dtd with hubby the night before I took my first pregnancy test I noticed that my cervix was way higher than normal for that time of my cycle - normally he had to be careful around that time of the month or he'd hit my cervix which was I'm a twin (none identical) I'm on the tall side, higher BMI, all extra causes of twins. Fingers crossed for you. I didn’t feel anything on my failed cycles and although it was a I am 12dp5dt and got my bfp around 3dpt. There are some cheapie reliable ones on Amazon that work and then you know that you can test from around 11DPO with a FRER and 14DPO with a standard test. Here’s my symptoms the cycle I actually conceived. I've had NO symptoms throughout and am currently 17 weeks with a little boy 🤗I've had about 5 scans due to being so anxious and everything is absolutely fine, he is a little wriggler! Hey just to update for anyone reading, tested today 10-11 dpo and may have seen a v v v faint line but calling it a bfn for now, just had cramping come on all of a sudden, for about 5-10 mins went to the toilet and saw some blood and wiped but there’s no more, not due af for a few days and have never ever had this before, FX :) Sonographer told us it was a twin pg; she said she thought the 2nd baby had probably died at 4/5wks. I did a natural cycle (vaginal progesterone only) @Amtheyest17 I'm going to keep tracking my symptoms as its just odd why I'm feeling like this, just trying to keep myself busy and stay positive 🙏. I might have felt a few twitches in the first couple of days, but I also think my mind might have Skip to main content (this is my third time on progesterone, although the other two were for IUI, one BFN, one BFP and this one is IVF and TBD). A lot people don't have symptoms 🙊. I can't remember what symptoms befor my previous bfp's will have to wait and see :) To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Since day 1 I have had tender boobs but not swollen and get the odd stabbing tingle on my left side lower abdomen but nothing major and I tested using first response first thing and it’s negative. @Decaffe the only symptoms I had were from progesterone and some of those were intermittent, no implantation pains. Didn't get an obvious BFP on those cheap strips from Amazon until around 9dp5dt and by that point was getting 2-3 weeks on clearblue Anyone got a BFP at 7DPO as I've never had one this early before. oh wow!!! Thank you so much for sharing. Dd was natural after ivf; no symptoms until around 14 weeks and then minor nausea. Doc was happy to go ahead with embryo transfer anyway and I am now feeling one hell of a lot better. This is my 6th pregnancy and with 5/6 I've had noticeable symptoms in the tww. I'm on a shock even a bfp on a I was so anxious after the EC and read every horror story under the sun. However when the nausea continued up to my BFP and beyond, I worked out that I had early-onset morning sickness instead. The grade before freezing was 5AC and after being thawed it completely hatched on its own. Transfer was Thursday 8/19 I know it’s super early to test. From what I have read it is too early. I've never felt so ill, my throat is also really sore, I don't want to take anything encase I am but I don't Oh wow that's really exciting. Both times it was just the normal pre-AF feelings that I get every other month but then I missed a period. Tuesday 9/20 - 1DP5DT. I’ve put an * next to the symptoms I also have in non-conceiving cycles. Yes! I started with a sore throat then cold symptoms about 2 days berfore getting my BFP. I think having no symptoms in the TWW is actually a better indicator of a BFP because its easy to confuse the signs of AF coming on for implantation spotting. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more Yes you can get symptoms before a BFP. os . I’m pregnant and I got my bfp at 9dpo, felt sick from before 4 weeks and in the first trimester was so tired all the time. Hello all - I thought I would list some of my symptoms that led to a BFP. @PineappleK the anxiety is awful - just remember you can't do anything to jinx your pregnancy, what will be will be. DH is a twin, but non identical so that's not contributing factor. Keep us posted! All cycle I've had zero symptoms. Funnily enough I feel like I had more symptoms the months I got BFN !! When I got BFP it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary i’d say but I did test early at 11DPO so maybe would have noticed something more if i’d missed period etc!!! Hello! I did an FRER this morning at 7dp3dt and got a pretty good line for such an early test. Quote React Add post Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here) Oh it really does @GB844 just take it each checkpoint at a time, and maybe try and reduce testing - I think I stopped at first 7 week scan and tried to take that as a good point to believe. bfp! I just thought it might be helpful for people to know that it is possible to have basically no symptoms and for it to have worked. Lots of saliva. We had no idea there could be twins - though I have been feeling extremely sick and tired since 4wks. My symptoms before my BFP were mild cramping in the 2ww, mild constipation which is apparently due to rising progesterone, feeling uncomfortably full after meals and light headed east when standing up too quick! Mumsnet Hi everyone, Got my BFP on Sunday and have continued to since then (really strong ones!!) but if I'm honest I really don't have a lot of symptoms. we found out we were having twins at an early scan on 19th December and i am still not sure i've come to terms with it to be honest! i was only 'planning' for one baby ever so it was a huge shock, i couldn't describe myself as excited at all at first. Or if you got a BFP after a BFN and how many days there were in between? I have absolutely no symptoms, not even PMS. I’ve spent almost 3 years scouring for posts like this whilst TTC and thought I would share mines incase it helps anyone like myself. All of the hours I spent looking into symptoms and googling and tests made the fall after a negative that much harder and it really messed with me. Watery discharge at night Friday 9/23 - 3DP5DT. I had spotting at implantation both times, but had that other months when I wasn't too. I have absolutely no symptoms other than missed period and positive result. I tested positive 9dp5dt. And it's just got me thinking what the early signs of twins are like. Not as tender boobs FET 3dp5dt 20 replies user1497394086 · 04/09/2024 08:59 Hey ladies I had my FET on the 1st September, had me worried as I spot before every period, although that spotting is usually heavy enough. Took a early detection test at 12 DPO measures 10 mui negative. I didn't have any symptoms either. and Oct. Negatives on easy @ home tests so far (I know, How many dpo will you be? I'm getting confused! Random - obvs too early (but you know that!) - fingers crossed for your BFP in a few days time! And of course no judgement from me either - I'm blatantly testing tomorrow at 8dpo - silly, silly silly! Only symptoms today are tired and upset stomach -- obvs both of those things could be anything Symptoms you have during the tww are due to progesterone increase after ovulation so can't tell you if you've conceived, only a positive test can do that really. Join Mumsnet Log In Active Watching Add post I'm on I had cramps, fatigue, night sweats, sore boobs, extreme thirst and hunger, acne, bloating, gas, and constipation for both my 1st failed FET and this one that I got my 1st BFP on. I also used preseed, wild yam supplements, sea kelp supplements and pregnacare. 2010=BFN's IVF#2 June 2011=BFP Just wanted to say I am also on 3dp5dt. Honestly I don’t remember any and I had twins. It was a real mixed bag with the ladies I was in 2WW with- there was a big group, something like 25 people on one of the other forums. If you look at the NHS "your pregnancy" pages it does clearly say that loads of people have no symptoms before 6 weeks (and some people not even after that) but we're so focused on symptom-spotting when we're doing IVF, aren't we? I kind of knew before the BFP because I didn't have my normal AF symptoms. Good luck. 23 replies abbmebtdab · 17/04/2023 09:56 Hi all, So I'm pregnant (YAAAY!! 🥳) I found out at 3weeks 3days (9dpo). So I don’t think it’s silly And the super late bfp is freaking me out!! Anyone!?? X. Obvious symptoms start after test day, at 5-6 weeks for most people. I could tell from about 5dpo I was pregnant having nausea, metallic taste. I'm an identical twin and my partner has twin nephews. I can't really offer any evidence of no symptoms = BFP. I certainly has nausea etc nearly straight away after conception (not that I knew that was what it was at the time, I thought I had food poisoning). I've scoured the internet for success stories while ttc. I simply knew because my period was late. I was petrified when we got our BFP last year after lots of problems, and five rounds of IVF. Reading about everyone's extreme symptoms makes you feel even less pregnant too. Here we are with our 2 x 14 y. Anyway, every time I get all the side effects on the list for progesterone, upset AF at 3dp5dt is very soon, is there a possibility it's heavy spotting? My clinic have an answer phone too which is frustrating but they do eventually call back so I hope they do call you back soon with advice. Same for my first pregnancy too. My 2nd pregnancy was twins. I was too hot a couple of nights ago, but that is probably just from too many blankets. I've read Implantation can happen between day 9 and day 12 so it's probably to early to feel anything! Sometimes just late period is the only reason people test and find out they're pregnant when not TTC so hopefully you see your BFP when you decide to test x @Cakelaur @Britta1 hey guys thanks for your reply, I tested at 5dpo because I'm so impatient and really want a BFP but it came back neg which I was expecting with it being so early but I'm a little unsure when to test again because I don't want to be disappointed. Extra HCG, hormones and 2 babies instead of 1 is surely going to affect you more. Line came up before the control line did. But I'm 3dp5dt and I too have no symptoms & worrying a little & trying to symptom spot = driving self crazy! However it I felt nothing the first time (BFP) and I feel nothing now (Probably a BFN). Im on second pregnancy (4 weeks) I could eat a scabby horse dipped in mud, I can barely touch my boobs without crying, I constantly feel like im about to come on my period, it really upset me when I saw one of my fish pick on another smaller fish (the big bully)and it tastes like I have a tin mine in my mouth. Sorry tmi. I am now worried it could still be picking up hcg from congratulations! i think excited + terrified is a pretty standard reaction. I'm also very moody and irritable similar to how I am before AF and EXTREMELY tired and keep feeling cold. Do you remember maybe how many dpo you got your bfp please? Also so happy for you!! Congratulations on your baby 14 months wow 🥹🥹🥹 amazing!! I literally decided yesterday to not symptom spot too (easy because I’m literally not experiencing anything that are actual early pregnancy symptoms) Symptoms before a digital bfp at 10dpo 17 replies Roxyroxy11 · 13/08/2023 23:47 Hi everyone I just thought I would share these as I found similar threads really helpful. My OH and I are due to start IVF next m Twin mummies. Hi Whittle, just wanted to say congrats and that things can turn out well after IVF. The reason I tested again today is because I’ve had a rotten cold plus not very sore boobs which I usually get before AF. She's asking about symptoms that might be specific to twin pregnancies. I got my BFP unfortunately it ended in MMC but I remember saying to my OH before I tested that AF was on the way. I'd say wait until 4dp5dt since you just transferred the one. I did have insanely painful breasts from about 6 dpo though - by the day before my period was due I looked like I’d had someone else’s boobs transplanted onto me. but I swear I see the faintest line on my 3DP5DT. Light creamy CM. Must be misjudged ovulation right? OP posts: See next See all Quote React Add post Share Report Advertisement Yrmyfavourite · 17/06/2022 22:22 Hi OP, I had a miscarriage last April. I had a terrible cramp yesterday after going to the toilet. It radiated from front all the way round to my back. That all sounds like normal pregnancy. AF due to arrive in 4 days. Quote What symptoms do you have and when are you planning on testing? Part of me wants to just go take a test now but I don' Skip to main content 3dp5dt - transfer buddies? 22 replies md12345 Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale I got a BFP in 2nd July , and an online calculator said I was 4 weeks pregnant (date of last period 6th June). My friend had very strong symptoms early on and joked about having twins. On 3dpt I had the period like cramping and then it stopped. So symptoms Good sign lol So fingers crossed thank you all for your replies, I know I need to If anything, I'd take it as a good sign. My friend had twins and only got her BFP 8dp5dt! Mine was a frozen transfer and my first. Hopefully it'll be the same for you this time and it is not ridiculous, I was looking for any signs I could find to know if I was pregnant before my BFP. Found out on sunday at 11dpo that I am pregnant again. Mine was second full cycle that I got BFP. For example, I didn't get any spots on my face and I didn't feel heaviness on my tummy when I was exercising. There seemed to be no correlation whatsoever between symptoms and lack of and who got a BFP or BFN! Good I got my BFP yesterday & wanted to share my DPO symptoms & things I did prior to & during trying to conceive as I know personally I was searching this kind of thing. We are and and all at once. But I’m pretty certain that the chemicals the egg sends to our body to tell us fertilisation has occurred can cause a lot of symptoms similar to those that hcg produces. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you @jemimafuddleduck I had no symptoms at all in 2WW, in fact no symptoms until something like week 9/10. Good luck[/quote] So sorry for your MMC. OP posts: See next See all Quote Thanks Add post and my stomachs been a bit dodgy, sore and crampy and lower back is a bit sore. This was my second FET. I have twins on both my mum and dad's side. Natural cycle FET bfp 10dp5dt - symptoms early on, then gone, then back 7 replies GCMama · 20/03/2023 00:48 Hi all. I got my first negative since the I had a (very faint) line at 3dp5dt twice. only thing is cramps in my legs, and tummy similar to start of AF and yesterday intense jabbing pain for about 2 hours which was a real worry until it finally went - relief Hi all, just wondered if any of you have experienced a lack of PMS symptoms and then found out you’re pregnant? My cycles are min 23 days max 28 but normally around 24/25. I’m 6 days post my frozen 5 day transfer. My wife and I (we used donor sperm) tried with IUI before doing IVF this time. That might also explain your strange early pregnancy test result. The latter is a dead giveaway for AF for me and, unfortunately, it was also a sign of an impending MC. 14DPO BFP - symptoms and diet 11 replies Ellemay1 · 04/11/2023 10:31 Hi, I just got my BFP at 14DPO, have been TTC for 5 months and have noted all my symptoms every cycle. @Stillwearingskinnys how early was your BFP and was it similar to mine in strength? Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, Nope, no symptoms for my first or second (which are twins). (only opened tests to get a good picture) don't worry . @Kirstylvsya if you can, I'd recommend waiting another week until 7 weeks, as you're likely to be out of This time I think it was 5dpo. No boob sensitivity at all, no increase in size, no cramps until the usual quite strong painful ones around AF time that kept making me run to check I hadn't started. I conceived my first son via IUI but not as lucky this time around. I was obsessed with taking tests (way too early) and looking into every little symptom, and every month I would think I had symptoms relating to pregnancy, and then I would get a negative result. Early Symptoms 5DPO: I also been very hungry, had sickness, bad gas and stomach, constantly weeing, tiredness and my boobs have grown 2 sizes already and I've gained weight quite quickly. Hey, hang in there! DS was ivf and I had absolutely no symptoms at all. My hormone levels are v high as well; I got an instant BFP when I was only one day late, but didn't realise why. Despite a range of oddities this month (including current extreme tiredness and nausea) I have had af 3 days early and now it's stopped just 2 days later. 10 dpo BFP! Since my BFP I've had twinges on and off all day. most at home pregnancy tests measure anything above a 25 as a positive, only a blood test can figure out exactly what your HCG is. Other than that no real symptoms that I didn’t have before transfer with using progesterone etc. no trigger shot but I started from day 1 just to compare tests and also to help time pass lol. 1dpo - slight BBT dip. Wednesday 9/21 - 2DP5DT. I had my transfer Friday. I I am on Day 6 of a FET and have no symptoms. MMS wow, 3, my DH insisted on only one as he already has twins from a previous relationship, id have happily transferred the two but didnt get the option. Early bfp starting to form? Lines are definitely pink and appear straight away. I am also 3dp5dt from a FET! I I'm definitely an early tester and have tested out my trigger as I didnt want to have doubt in my mind as to whether I was seeing a bfp or trigger. On day 27 atm and no PMS symptoms like I excitedly got my bfp todayhere’s the symptoms I experienced during my TWW 1-3dpo slight cramping, sneezing 1/2 times a day, stuffy nose, a lot of gas from (burping/farting sorry!) very irritable. I am only 3dp5dt and had what I believe to be some very mild OHSS symptoms. No symptoms. 8 weeks pregnant and still have none to bare minimal symptoms, I did have some small things near conception that pointed to positive - lots of saliva in mouth and a hard bloated stomach 12 dpo got darker lines on opk as I was still checking for ovulation and got a very dark positive opk at 13dpo and some ladies online told me to do pregnancy test and so got a faint line of a frer the following morning with FMU. Did you have any other symptoms apart from a realy early bfp. Still have the damn symptoms and that was last Monday! Good luck! Quote React Add post Share Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here) The OP knows the symptoms of pregnancy; she's already a mother. However, his grandfather was an identical twin, and had 3 other sets of siblings that were identical, so ya never know! Has anyone heard or read any truth in losing weight can cause multiple egg release, so increasing the chances of twins? Hi! What were some of the first signs before you got your BFP? I’m 11dpo. OP posts: See next See all Quote React Add post Share Report Advertisement TTCjourney2021 · 15/10/2021 09:16 Ttc journey 21 how are you? I’m 10 DPO , just tested and no line but I haven’t had any of my usual Pre period symptoms so may still have a chance!! Quote React Add post Share Mumsnet With my first twins I was 10dpo, next singleton was 9dpo, next set of twins was evening of 8dpo. Also, all those symptoms I described are the exact same as my usual PMS symptoms, so I wouldn’t look too much into the symptoms. It was explained that there was twice the hormones going round my system. For reference I ovulated on February 19th and got a BFP on February 28th which was 9dpo for me. However I have endometriosis and adenomyosis so have constant pelvic pain, so I probably didn’t notice it. Obviously what has worked for one won’t necessarily work for another but maybe something in here could help someone. I still had no idea I was pg - only tested cos I was going to GP and I knew he was gonna ask if I'd tested. If you really want to be sure about what CD you can test, you really need to be tracking ovulation. I was much sicker. . It shows the hormones levels in your system are high, as they should be for baby growing. This is my 3rd round. I just had a feeling. I tracked ovulation with opks and bbt. Mumsnet Hi there I just got my BFP and am super excited but I have no symptoms whatsoever and am really worried that this is not a good sign. I felt nothing the day after transfer but started feeling fullness and pinches on 2dpt. Sore bloated boobs Mild cramps at night Thursday 9/22 3DP5DT. Very Tender boobs Breakout on chin returns! Mild cramps on left side during day Heavy cramps on left side at night. I tested 3dp5dt and had an absolute squinter but I had twins on board. I was feeling very similar but not quite the same. i am much more positive now but it took me a while to . With both my pregnancies (not FET), I experienced no symptoms at all before I got a BFP. Googled twin pregnancy signs obsessively and even told my sister I thought I was having twins. Neither were twins. However a few weeks after bfp symptoms kicked in heavily. I’m so desperate to get a BFP and I’ve become obsessive, testing way too early than I should. Pregnant with #3 now, very early at 5 weeks: no symptoms whatsoever. On Friday 14 DPO took clear blue digital (25 mui)and 2 other and tested positive! I’m So I got my wonderful BFP 2 days ago, I’m now 4 + 2 This will be my second child, I already have a DS who is 6. I am a compulsive tester and have been testing out my trigger have had a vvvvfp everyday which is making me crazy as I know its the trigger. I have cramps in my tummy, and it feels like it’s tightening up, and really bloated (bloated so much that I can’t actually hold my belly in) It all feels quite tender. I've been pregnant twice and was about 3-4 weeks along when I finally tested (wasn't ttc so didn't know I was pregnant!) and my bfp's weren't what I would call blazing tbh! Got my BFP today after 6 months of agony (Had a miscarriage in April) I tested on Monday at 10DPO but nothing so I was not expecting this. As hard as it is there is nothing for us to do other than sit and wait :-/ x. I’m now 3dp5dt of 2 embies and ever since I’ve been symptom spotting but feel completely normal aside from a bug caught off DH. How is everyone else doing? To comment on this thread you need TTC#1 since Feb 07 with PCOS and mild MFI i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart) Our first love and loss 7/2/07 3 cycles clomid TI = BFNs 3 cycles clomid Ovidrel IUI = BFNs 6/27/08 Surprise BFP = chemical pg IVF#1 July 08 BFP @7dp3dt TTC #3 since February 2010 FET Sept. I’m hoping for my bfp tomorrow, as my 2 ivf pregnancies I have had BFP on day 5 (one was twins resulting in miscarriage, 2nd was my 1 year old son). I was absolutely not expecting to get a BFP, but despite the worry and anxiety all through the pregnancy our dd was born at full term and is perfect. First transfer failed with no Frosties x Symptoms I had before BFP with my son: went off coffee, fags, alcohol, and about two weeks before I tested my boobs grew. With dd2 I also had a pretty heavy red bleed when my period was due. symptoms. anyone else or am I for sure crazy up testing at 4:30 am? Thank you for your reply and congratulations! I definitely have mild symptoms whether it’s PMS or pregnancy I don’t know but I hope it’s the latter. Good luck- try and find something to distract you or you will drive yourself insane. So many people on these forums had zero symptoms or feeling AF was coming and bfp or several symptoms that could be pregnancy (progesterone can cause them too) and bnf. Told the person doing the first scan at 10 weeks I thought it was twins. pregnancy tests turn positive based on HCG, and every woman's baseline hcg( where she is normally when not pregnant) varies from a 1-5. Hi @flowersinmay & @BubbleM3 I’m in the 2ww as well. Both times I also didn't develop any symptoms until morning sickness started around 6 weeks. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here) I always tested from 4dp5dt just because I have zero will power 😂🙈 - I got a BFP with my twins around 3dp5dt but still squinters until around 5dp5dt - and only using FRER. Some people test early or after missed period so that can make a difference. But tbh, I'd rather be feeling worse (sorry - I know that's awful) but only because it would mean likelihood of pregnancy is higher. You have a higher chance as you’re a twin yourself so it might be twins, but I don’t think you can tell from those symptoms. axmmw njjddcb whpugt nxig xncjkd huuxdbc iwrez ols zjjr avpu