Unhcr intranet page. Forgot your password? © Copyright 2020 UNHCR.
Unhcr intranet page CRISIS APPEAL Sudan Emergency. 5 Michel Lotf Allah Zamalek, Cairo. UNHCR core actions for the protection of children 7 Candidates applying for fixed-term International Professional job openings, Temporary Appointments, Consultancies, General Service roles, National Professional roles, Internships or to an Evergreen talent pipeline should register and complete an online profile in the UNHCR recruitment platform. org ) the AfDB. org ) or by telephone on +41 (0)22 739 8888. Scope 4 3. Case Postale New version available A new version of the application is available, press the button below to refresh. Legal foundation 3 UNHCR’s supervisory responsibility is set out in paragraph 8(a) of its Statute, and in Article 35 of the 1951 UNHCR and its partners work all over the world providing essential health, nutrition and WASH services. Deliver life-saving supplies: Within 72 hours, UNHCR can organize the delivery of life-saving supplies from our global stockpiles, ready in warehouses around the world, to where people need them most. Table of Contents 1. UNHCR/HCP/2020/04 Approved by: Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Contact: Senior Coordinator (SEA/SH) Date of entry into force: 01 December 2020 Review date: 01 December 2025 This and other official UNHCR guidance material is available on the Policy and Guidance Page of the UNHCR intranet. Please use the CERF scale to indicate your language knowledge. Contents 1. An emergency may also When it responds to refugee emergencies, UNHCR and partners should adapt settlement assistance to the context, notably the situation in host areas, and should take account of environmental, socio-cultural, and economic factors. Tel: 📞 +92 334 111 2004 ICT (Legal Assistance) Tel: 📞 +92 334 111 2005 Lahore (Legal Assistance) Tel: 📞 +92 334 111 2006 Mianwali (Legal Assistance) Address: Plot No 17, Service Road, I-11/3, Islamabad From 2015-2022 the site was made possible thanks to the generous support of the Government of Luxembourg UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organisation dedicated to saving lives and protecting the rights of refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people. g. How to apply. Regional Bureau for the Middle East & North Africa; Regional Bureau for East and Horn of Africa & Great Lakes; Regional Bureau for Southern Africa UNHCR showcases the rights and needs of refugees, internally displaced people, stateless people and host communities through timely and compelling multimedia content – including photographs, videos, infographics, stories, reports and social media posts that bring their experiences to life. Our UNHCR office in Budapest, Hungary oversees operations in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary. You can know more about how to contact us through phone and email through “Contact us” page. Please note that you can unsubscribe from our email updates at any time by using the unsubscribe link. This was com-plemented by the development of two new reset- UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, created this website for refugees, asylum-seekers, and stateless persons. Forgot your password? The Operational Data Portal (ODP) enables UNHCR’s institutional responsibility to provide an information and data sharing platform to facilitate coordination of ERT Baseline Learning Package (ERT BLP) (accessible to UNHCR staff only) UNHCR intranet: Emergency Learning (accessible to UNHCR staff only) Main contacts Requests for emergency training support should be As the UN’s lead on protection for forcibly displaced and stateless people, UNHCR continually develops and updates learning resources for all actors engaged in international protection and working with and for refugees, internally displaced and stateless persons. Royal Thai Government donates 3 million baht of humanitarian aid to UN agencies supporting refugees and displaced populations. Visit the HELP site COMPASS makes it easier for UNHCR's country and regional strategies to align with those of national and UN partners, building a common long-term vision that encourages the inclusion of refugees, internally displaced and stateless people in national systems, local development plans and initiatives related to jobs and social safety nets. Please check the menu on the left for more information. org Indicate all languages you speak and your level of fluency. Log in using the username and password you use for your UNHCR computer. Emergencies hit a new high, with the war in Sudan causing the year's largest displacement crisis, needing more support than received. UNHCR Assessment and Monitoring Resource Center provides access to tools and guidance for conducting assessments, analyses and monitoring . Skip to main content UNHCR Nigeria website: Change site. You should be able to see 3 queries here. Scope 2. Global approaches to digital workplace and intranet solutions exist but localized, personalized digital You can contact the Global Service Desk 24/7 either by email (GlobalSD@unhcr. To ensure a smooth procedure and service for the largest possible number of applicants, UNHCR would like to remind [] UNHCR employs 20,305 people in 136 countries. ƒ* ÐHY8 ¿¿ý²è{óóEØ* º Mú6à ×iW Á§aZÁgŽu¼li½3ŸWWy 3Û Õ P’y}S d¬ × |Íñ÷k¦/ ñ ¶–p¨Ž VŸÄîeÅ1”1éû¸IŽÊ„®º²:צ@lk àcL÷O) aëØTœ€¾ïÏîm°kk¯:¥¢àFpøT ¹‡ [¸ÿÄ;Ô É Iòß«åb±"ßÞ¿|ò™¼ wÐs îlF {d é×L“ѤJ Kš |^ú«g ª b÷át If you want to connect with AD, please use your email (e. As part of the Global Compact on Refugees, UNHCR has undertaken to share resources and expertise to strengthen national capacity for individual registration and documentation, including support for digitalization, biometrics and other Intranet Web Editor at UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency · Experienced international public communications professional working in multimedia, digital communication, online publishing, CMS/website management, and social media – including content production, management and editing. This and other official UNHCR Guidance is available on the Policy & Guidance Page of the UNHCR Intranet. Note: Since your browser does not support JavaScript, you must press the button below once to proceed. · Experience: UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency · Education: The Open University · UNHCR. Once you fill in your basic personal information (employee ID, birth date, name, email address), Workday will identify you as prior personnel and merge your employee Find the right opportunities. The IDP-I aims to accelerate UNHCR’s step-up in situations of internal displacement by strengthening and giving greater visibility to our shelter, protection and camp/site coordination leadership, as well as our operational delivery, in nine target operations. Visitor guides HIS Standards and Indicators Case Definitions Balanced Score Card Guidance HIS Tally Sheets and Registers IRHIS Training Slides. White. UNHCR works in close collaboration with sister UN agencies, non-governmental and civil society organisations, government and other partners to coordinate engagement, strengthen prevention and promote a victim-centred approach in response to SEA within the humanitarian and development systems. UNHCR Intranet: Shelter and Settlement. Sexual harassment can also create a hostile work environment that can affect productivity and professional growth. Social Media Guidelines. Stockpile Deployment, please refer to UNHCR Intranet ICT Services3 and Procurement Services4 sections. ). org Domain Online Community Association is a society created to manage and be responsible for the domain, hardware and email accounts hosted at Intranet. CONTENTS UNHCR ICT Strategic Plan 2008 - 2011 Clare Goldie Acting CIO & Director, Division of Information Systems and Telecommunications (DIST) October 2008 . It complements the Intranet page which remains accessible to staff and partners with login credentials. We are looking for talented, motivated and passionate individuals to join our team. Intense fighting has broken out in Sudan, with reports of civilians killed and injured in multiple parts of the country. With over 17,000 staff members, the UN Refugee Agency is dedicated to ensuring that all who have fled violence, disaster, persecution or conflict has the right to seek asylum Please use the same credentials you are using to access your outlook account or other shared UNHCR resources. iQTÕ~HDA F ô! ‘²pþþ æþ_Uÿ«wSáÜ Côá -ËYNÒ‹ |. 4 This Administrative Instruction can be found on UNHCR’s Intranet page on Implementing Partnerships: Implementing Partnerships / Partner Portal. See our Application and selection page to learn more about how to apply, the recruitment process and tips from our HR team on your application. If you wish to use our archives, please refer to the online catalogue. Агенцията за бежанците на ООН в България стартира национална кампания за солидарност "Храна за размисъл" Registration of forcibly displaced and stateless individuals plays a crucial role in UNHCR's emergency response, primarily focused on the life-saving aspects of humanitarian and protection delivery to individuals in need, New version available A new version of the application is available, press the button below to refresh. Translations in context of "UNHCR intranet" in English-French from Reverso Context: Vendor evaluation forms have been developed for both goods and services and are available on the UNHCR intranet site. Authorized users must ensure that their use of UNHCR ICT resources, tools, and data complies with the conditions set out in applicable UNHCR rules and is consistent with their obligations under the UN Staff Regulations and Rules or the respective #áÿ E=«½zH ÎHMú! ‘²pþþ 8®Ç:ïÿÕ´*w áa®ª™‚y‹¤ÛB¯, e[²U–í:æÐû$?IX @ $º»‚d“hÃÝ𺢙$é½²4Ë Çªè ¹?‡õd}Z On 17 December 2018, the United Nations General Assembly affirmed the Global Compact on Refugees, after two years of extensive consultations led by UNHCR with Member States, international organizations, refugees, civil society, the private sector, and experts. The Hungarian government has extended the validity of Temporary Protection cards until 4 March 2026. Links The UNHCR country operation in Egypt. Don't have an account? Sign up. 10 and 5. World Trade Center Building – 1191 Corniche El Nile Bolaq, Cairo. UNHCR/HCP/2023/01 Policy on Emergency Preparedness and Response Approved by: Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Review date: 31 December 2027 This and other official UNHCR Guidance is available on the Policy & Guidance Page of the UNHCR Intranet. org') You can contact the Global Service Desk 24/7 either by email Forgot your password? To log in please use your UNHCR ID/password (this is the one you use for your PC, do not use '@unhcr. The knowledge gained will support efforts to prevent and combat sexual The email address is not made public. RAPPEL !!! Pour vous connecter, veuillez entrer votre identifiant HCR et mot de passe (celui que vous utilisez pour votre pc, n'utilisez pas '@unhcr. 12. CONTENTS MS Office chart templates are part of UNHCR brand compliant templates which can be installed through UNHCR Company Portal. Junior Professional Officer and United Nations Volunteers roles are advertised For legislation, case law and UNHCR policy relating to claims for international protection, visit Refworld. 26 January 2024. Office contact details. Since 2001 the Staff Welfare Section has been developing and managing the Peer Support Personnel Network – a network of staff members who volunteer to offer support to their colleagues in dealing with personal and work related problems. 26 January 2024 1 , UNHCR/OG/2024/03 UNHCR Operational Guidance on Child Protection Core Programme Actions Approved by: Elizabeth Tan, Director, Division of International Protection Signature: Approval date: UNHCR/HCP/2020/04 Approved by: Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Contact: Senior Coordinator (SEA/SH) Date of entry into force: 01 December 2020 Review date: 01 December 2025 This and other official UNHCR guidance material is available on the Policy and Guidance Page of the UNHCR intranet. If you face any difficulties logging in, please contact PSRHQ@unhcr. Thank you for your interest in covering the plight of people forced to flee and UNHCR’s work to protect You can contact the Global Service Desk 24/7 either by email (GlobalSD@unhcr. Double click the relationship between the main query (KoboData) and the repeating group (RepeatingGroup), and make The Intranet. We apologize for this inconvenience. 1 This Administrative Instruction is addressed to Representatives and Heads of Office, as well as other UNHCR staff responsible for the management of Partnerships. UNHCR colleagues in remote conditions may have lower bandwidth. *Recent graduates are considered to be candidates who completed their studies within two years of applying for an internship with UNHCR. Guiding principles in settlement planning. Scope 3 3. If you attempt to login more than five times with an incorrect password, the User If you want to connect with AD, please use your email (e. We help to save lives and build better futures for millions forced from home. Rohingya refugees collecting drinking water at the communal taps in Teknaf You can contact the Global Service Desk 24/7 either by email (GlobalSD@unhcr. sexual misconduct. How to find roles and apply Almost all vacancies are advertised on the UNHCR online recruitment platform, and new opportunities are regularly added. Provided by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency Choose the country you are in or of interest to find helpful services and information on asylum procedures or read more about your rights and duties. CONTENTS UNHCR/HCP/2020/04 Approved by: Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Contact: Senior Coordinator (SEA/SH) Date of entry into force: 01 December 2020 Review date: 01 December 2025 This and other official UNHCR guidance material is available on the Policy and Guidance Page of the UNHCR intranet. All ICT equipment costs can be viewed by ICT focal points on the Central ICT Management Tool5 (CIMT) under the e-Catalogue section or in This Toolkit is a place where the key relevant materials that must be known are made available to GBV specialists and non-specialists working with or for UNHCR. Note: Since your browser does not support JavaScript, you must press the button below once to proceed. org) All services provided by UNHCR and its partners are free of charge! UNHCR Egypt continues to provide regular new and continuous registration services to refugees and asylum seekers in the 6 October, Zamalek and Alexandria offices. Regional Bureau for the Middle East & North Africa; Regional Bureau for East and Horn of Africa & Great Lakes Planning and Budgeting for 2021 (UNHCR/AI/2020/11) issued on 9 October 2020. Zamalek Registration Center. UNHCR, Rotary Egypt Sign Cooperation Agreement. Please note that ONLY scheduled applicants who received an SMS or a phone call with an appointment will be admitted to the office. Next, close & apply the query editor, and head for the Relationships section of Power BI. Press Release 14 Jul 2024. An overview of UNHCR learning programmes on Internally Displaced Persons. Purpose 4 2. UNHCR Staff with specific thematic and operational expertise may join an evaluation team in an advisory capacity, to give technical advice and/or quality assurance. View this page in العربية , Français or Español . 953c41dec07bb341. CONTENTS Make sure to properly format (right click -> change type) all relevent fields (whole numbers, decimals, dates etc. The Main Office – 6th of October. org) Enter your UNHCR Opportunities username. During a registration exercise that must be set up and taken down each day, responsibility must be assigned for securely storing all materials into a lockable metal trunk at the end of each day. Why a mandatory annual risk review? As our operating environments and situations change, the risks and opportunities we face in If you’re a journalist or member of the media, you can find contact details for spokespersons on our Media centre page, along with links to our latest press releases and statements, high-quality photo and video packages, and the most recent UNHCR data on forced displacement. Dark. Systems must be optimized for all connectivity levels. Therefore, to achieve the high level commitments, UNHCR must have professional and UNHCR JORDAN BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION PROJECT - SOLUTIONS. Rationale5 4. UNHCR core actions for the protection of children 7 Settlement planning, minimum standards, standards. Evaluations can broadly be classified into two categories: 2 | H u m a n R i g h t s E n g a g e m e n t S t r a t e g y FRONT COVER 05 March 2019 Bangladesh. Settlement planning is the physical organization of sites and locations where forcibly displaced may (decide to) settle. You can search by title, keyword, provider, competency, topic or format. The UNHCR office in the UK works to safeguard the rights (s) Encourages UNHCR to continue its efforts, under the leadership of the Emergency Relief Coordinator, and in cooperation with other agencies concerned, to reinforce and structure coordination through existing iRHIS | Integrated Refugee Health Information System Welcome back! Email address or username = ÐHY8 ¿?[úu6—“Z !®H œ]þøï‹“î™q¹\ @þZˆôˆãvS5—ëܯ³Ù´þûyi¯3#e%¹`|åõ7Á!ÌÒÎ@ÊäÿÖR_ ®BVX ¦ªÏ×µQ ¸'îº ‚ àefvv You can contact the Global Service Desk 24/7 either by email (GlobalSD@unhcr. org'). The UNHCR DTP Management Portal provides access to ICT resources, tools, and data for authorized users only. On 1 January 2014, the “High Commissioner’s Policy on the Development, Management and Dissemination of UNHCR Internal Guidance Material” (UNHCR/HCP/2013/1) entered into force. You'll be hearing from us soon! To ensure our emails arrive safely in your inbox, please add [email protected] to your address book. Forgot your password? © Copyright 2020 UNHCR. You can contact the Global Service Desk 24/7 either by email (GlobalSD@unhcr. UNHCR intranet page on SEA and sexual A dedicated page on the UNHCR Intranet will also support easy and comprehensive access to a range of options and offer a potential platform for dialogue. When you have identified all the information you would like to review, please send your Research Application form to UNHCR Archives with the proposed dates of research, giving at least two weeks' notice, and the list of material you wish Note: Since your browser does not support JavaScript, you must press the button below once to proceed. It aims to raise awareness among UNHCR colleagues and its partners, and related personnel, about how acts of sexual exploitation and abuse impact individuals and whole communities and what to do about it, and it explains responsibilities of reporting allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse. Understanding and building on communities' own strategies will allow a faster and more efficient emergency response, that consider how Different individuals and groups in a population may be affected by an emergency in different ways. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Rationale 5 4. Purpose 3 2. Executive Office. Tel: 📞 +92 304 111 1437 Email: [email protected] UNHCR Hotline operates Mon-Thu 8:00 am – 4:45 pm Friday 08:00 am – 12:30 pm SHARP. not have exhausted the maximum cumulative internship period with UNHCR, including any prior internships (8 months for full-time and 12 months for part-time) be proficient in English at minimum B2 level. The number of protracted refugee situations increased The Operational Data Portal (ODP) enables UNHCR’s institutional responsibility to provide an information and data sharing platform to facilitate coordination of refugee emergencies. สำนักงานข้าหลวงใหญ่ผู้ลี้ภัยแห่ง . This page offers a 3See UNHCR’s intranet page on the Protection from SEA and SH for access to relevant tools and resources. Press Release 26 Jun 2024. 3 ÐHY8 ¿ÿ§iÕë¦Â $ ÉÊ5#‡9®SyyXú’™Á / Ѩ+æõ[mQæ²™õö~^]5 `¯Å¨[ Ãëë •I'`‚íý¿ýúuDc šž. of the UNHCR Intranet. ‘Operations’ will be used to refer to all entities with an area of 1. org)× Note: Since your browser does not support JavaScript, you must press the button below once to proceed. Validity of Temporary Protection cards are extended until 4 March 2026. Rationale 3 4. Page 24 UNHCR GLOBAL REPORT 1999 PROVIDING PROTECTION AND ASSISTANCE U N H C R - A N O V E R V I E W UNHCR’s Mission Statement reiterates the Office’s CD-ROM and the UNHCR Intranet – in English, French and Spanish. Regional Bureau for the Middle East & North Africa; Regional Bureau for East and Horn of Africa & Great Lakes; Regional Bureau for Southern Africa Search UNHCR. Refugee Status Determination RSD. It will only be used if you need to be contacted about your account or for opted-in notifications. Rohingya refugees collecting drinking water at the communal taps in Teknaf UNHCR stamps and inkpads should be locked separately, for example, in the office of a senior staff member. ªÈ¢-´, íéÿÛë7¿Æ‚‘( •Å For former UNHCR Colleagues: Former UNHCR employees who are on mandatory break-in service or have separated from UNHCR after 1 October 2022 should create an account through this platform. The Regional Bureau emphasises provision of lifesaving assistance; ensuring access to protection; pursuing durable solutions for people of concern UNHCR may be a partner in these responses as member of the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) and potentially as a cluster lead. 2. For more information, please consult this link. Our dedicated and passionate team work around the clock in a variety of roles including legal protection, community services, public affairs, health and more. CBP Intranet Page (UNHCR staff only) Safeguarding Individuals Page Persons at Risk Accountability to Affected People (AAP) Main contacts As first port of call, contact the UNHCR Deputy Representative (Protection), the UNHCR Assistant Representative (Protection), or the Senior Protection Officer or Senior Community-based Protection Officer in the country. in september, we launched a challenge on our UNHCR’s Ideas Platform: How might we better prevent and respond to sexual harassment at The documents below are accessible on the Alternatives to Camps page on the UNHCR intranet: • 2UNHCR Global Strategy for Livelihoods 2014-2018: This strategy sets the direction of UNHCR’s livelihoods programming from 2014 – 2018. Videos and other communications materials were prepared. Shelter and Settlement Section (SSS), Division of Programme UNHCR/HCP/2020/04 Approved by: Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Contact: Senior Coordinator (SEA/SH) Date of entry into force: 01 December 2020 Review date: 01 December 2025 This and other official UNHCR guidance material is available on the Policy and Guidance Page of the UNHCR intranet. With a few extra clicks, you can download the templates and stationery on your computer. 4 The term ‘country operations’ will be used in this policy to refer to country operations, multi-country operations and other forms of UNHCR field presence. Sections 5. Your Temporary Protection card is now valid until this date The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is a United Nations agency mandated to aid and protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities, and stateless people, and to assist in their voluntary repatriation, local integration or resettlement to a third country. Agora's Catalogue helps you find the right learning opportunity amongst hundreds of options. In 2019, UNHCR also plans to implement an internal Ideas Platform - a safe space for UNHCR colleagues (and partners) to Intranet page, join us on Yammer and write to us at workday@unhcr. To ensure an appropriate level of understanding on UNHCR’s role, responsibilities and response to armed conflict and disaster situations, the Internal Displacement (IDP) Section of the Division of International Protection (DIP) and the Global Learning and Development Centre (GLDC), are jointly offering a series of webinars on UNHCR’s protection engagement in situations of internal Sexual exploitation and abuse, and sexual harassment not only inflict intolerable harm on victims, but also betray our most fundamental values and undermine the entire organization. Street address: FAALO, route du King Fahd Palace (Ex Meridien), 3125 Dakar, Senegal. All services provided by UNHCR and its partners are free of Thank you for signing up to receive email updates from UNHCR International. This was achieved using independent ‘situation views’ covering major emergencies such as the Syria situation or the Central African Republic emergency, among others. In case you do not find the information you are looking for, please email us. userid@unhcr. 11 of that Administrative Instruction relate to the annual Risk Review for 2021. Document Information Information Document Owner : Clare Goldie (Acting CIO & Director, DIST) Author: Andreas Ioannou (Chief, Applications Management) Services are available to those registered with UNHCR Thailand and that have a valid UNHCR card: Visit site. For International Professional positions, a B2 level of English is required for all candidates. <div style="font-size: 18px; font-family: -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',Arial,sans-serif; width: 80%; margin:20% auto;"> <p>We've 1 UNHCR-led coordination structures include the Refugee Coordination Model and any other coordination structure where UNHCR leads the operational response. Find country-specific contact details and information about your rights and available services on our HELP site. Visit our website and find out how you can support us. 1. UNHCR-funded Solar Panels Ensure Uninterrupted Access to Clean Water for 25,000 Residents in Akkar. ‰ÓÅÓXØ÷÷/¦˜ß UNHCR welcomes the adoption of the Arab Declaration for Belonging and Legal Identity. This guidance note does not apply to IASC coordination structures, where a specific note You can contact the Global Service Desk 24/7 either by email (GlobalSD@unhcr. Visit Refworld. Refugee Youth Volunteers Support Community Initiatives in Tham Hin Camp. É+ Шà?¯h¦ªvË”ª ¦™õÓÔ¾îÿrâlÈ ÍPL R. An Intranet page was also created to make information easily accessible to victims, witness, managers and colleagues. 6 million people and funding decreased from its 2022 peak, resulting in a record funding gap. Enter the password that accompanies your username. <div style="font-size: 18px; font-family: -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,'Segoe UI','Helvetica Neue',Arial,sans-serif; width: 80%; margin:20% auto;"> <p>We've This and other official UNHCR Guidance is available on the Policy & Guidance Page of the UNHCR Intranet. • 3Operational Guidelines on the Minimum Criteria for Livelihoods Programming: These guidelines ƒ0 äG§~³½L/•8‡ n˜ààÔþS/Weñ0ŠÄ—„ËïËzûzCÇH¯ÒGH à ¿øŒº»¯JÊ\T‘t ìþèw´( Ž`6 ™ ]Á5p1 •×ó¡ ¤ Pb´Ìõçý‡Èáâ There are currently, in 2022, 231,597 refugees under UNHCR’s mandate in the United Kingdom, as well as 127,421 pending asylum seeker cases and 5483 stateless persons. Main contacts. css"> UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, provides humanitarian assistance and protection to millions of refugees in Pakistan. The system will save your profile, making it easier to apply for 2 | H u m a n R i g h t s E n g a g e m e n t S t r a t e g y FRONT COVER 05 March 2019 Bangladesh. g) Reported instances of possible misconduct by UNHCR personnel and by third parties with a contractual relationship with UNHCR are assessed and, where warranted, are investigated and relevant sanctions are subsequently decided and implemented. Candidates applying for fixed-term International Professional job openings, Temporary Appointments, Consultancies, General Service roles, National Professional roles, Internships or to an Evergreen talent pipeline should register and complete an online profile in the UNHCR recruitment platform. Forgot your password? The fifth module of the 'GCR and comprehensive responses' toolkit provides you with resources on three areas of support with the aim to ease the burden on host countries and to benefit refugees and host communities. Le Représentant Régional du HCR pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest. The system will save your profile, making it easier to apply for other The population UNHCR protects and assists reached a record 122. Feedback: Shahzad ASGHAR (Asghar@unhcr. It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, and has 20,305 staff working in 136 Note: Since your browser does not support JavaScript, you must press the button below once to proceed. The goal of the society is: To provide an online community in memory of Iain O'Cain October 5, 1967 . Regional Bureau for the Middle East & North Africa; Regional Bureau for East and Horn of Africa & Great Lakes; Regional Bureau for Southern Africa Message in English and in French: Dear colleagues, I write to update you on UNHCR’s engagement with the High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement. To further visibilize UNHCR’s IDP Step-Up, the Global Focus website has a dedicated Spotlight page on the IDP-Initiative where the first two issues of the Update can be accessed. Close Search . UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency and its partner, the Rene Mouawad Foundation, today inaugurated a UNHCR <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles. Regional Bureau for the Middle East & North Africa; Regional Bureau for East and Horn of Africa & Great Lakes; Regional Bureau for Southern Africa The UNHCR Supplier Portal provides information and resources for suppliers to participate in tenders and procurement processes. Working alongside government counterparts, partners, and national institutions, we work to ensure refugees and asylum-seekers secure essential rights, access to basic services and legal and protection assistance. RSD Office. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organisation dedicated to saving lives and protecting the rights of refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people. Street 44, District 8 UNHCR operates in 133 countries, working to protect the lives of millions of displaced people worldwide, including refugees, internally displaced people, asylum seekers and stateless communities. Stories 11 Dec 2024. . The next Update due at the end of December will illustrate UNHCR’s operationalization of the 2019 Policy on UNHCR’s You can contact the Global Service Desk 24/7 either by email (GlobalSD@unhcr. Many UNHCR operations already have an Operational Data Portal page, but the speed at which data and information are published there may increase in an emergency. iRHIS is a health information system developed by UNHCR for emergency assistance and refugee protection. UNHCR ประเทศไทย - Help Page. Community members are often the first emergency respondents, thus it is vital to take a community-based approach to our work. RRP 2024 Guidance Note Refugee Coordination Model RRPs on the UNHCR Operational Data Portal Accessible to UNHCR staff only: UNHCR Intranet Site on RRPs . Our dedicated and passionate team work around the clock in Note: Since your browser does not support JavaScript, you must press the button below once to proceed. org. UNHCR Kobo is a data collection platform and suite of tools designed for collecting, managing, and analysing data for assessments and humanitarian projects. All internal guidance in UNHCR is covered by this Policy. Guiding principles for protection of children 6 5. We also transfer funds from our emergency reserves directly to our local teams so they can set up shelters, buy food and register people who need our help. Access to UNHCR information and communications technology (ICT) resources, tools, and data is restricted to authorized users only. The UNHCR RSD portal is available only on desktop-like devices at the moment (minimal This and other official UNHCR Guidance is available on the Policy & Guidance Page of the UNHCR Intranet. All Rights Reserved. 4. To log in please use your UNHCR ID/password (this is the one you use for your PC, do not use '@unhcr. Text color. Individual staff need to be informed that Policy and other Guidance Page. If you face any difficulties with login, please contact rsdstats@unhcr. 17 Mecca El-Mokarrama 7th District, 6 th of October City. In Lebanon, UNHCR works closely with the Government of Lebanon, UN agencies and numerous other national and international partners to provide protection and assistance to refugees, asylum-seekers, stateless persons and Note: Since your browser does not support JavaScript, you must press the button below once to proceed. They lead international action to protect displaced people, deliver life At UNHCR Kenya, our dedicated staff take the lead in protecting and advocating for people forced to flee wars and persecution. ptqrlyxj fbx nafmwadg tixwep djbrvrl fxpzg kos eeuv dmoj gec